“We are all brothers highlighted the danger, why for little thing goes to war, spread out not to be a joke.(我们都是出生入死的好兄弟,何必为了一点小事,如此大动干戈,传出去还不被人笑话。)”理查德不怒自威,有一股不可冒犯的气势,绝对是天生的领袖。
帝罗慑于其威势,暴脾气收敛了许多,说:“This has nothing to fear.(这有什么好怕的。)”指着钟思明说:“Kill him, everything will be ok。(宰了他不就行了。)”他的意思是,杀了钟思明,便没人会传出去了。
杰森说:“Well, just do that, Chinese do not shield their mistakes, I agree with your idea. When the skeleton man was dead, I can help you kill Wang Feng, revenge for your father.(好,就这么办,中国人不护短,我同意你的主意。等杀了骷髅人,我帮你杀王峰,替你父亲报仇。)”余人尽皆同意。
帝罗说:“Since we no opinion, we now rushed 003 Bureau, who rescued the skeleton man, scrapping him, incidentally kill this bastard Wang Feng.(既然大家都没意见,我们现在就冲进003局,救出骷髅人,再杀了他,顺便宰了王峰这混蛋。)”
理查德说:“That’s ok, this is a military research base with unmanning not much, we should be able to cope, ready to go.(不错,这是个军事研究基地,驻兵不会很多,我们应该可以应付,准备出发。)”
“Just give me a gun.(正好给老子练练枪。)”帝罗揭开路边猛禽的后盖,提出两把大机枪,开始拆卸检查弹匣。
理查德看了看魏宁手中的电脑显示器,说:“No, it appears that the other side has a connected person at least, we are not head-on, so as not to arouse his suspicions.(不行,看样子对方最起码有一个连的人,不能硬碰硬,以免打草惊蛇。)”