“As the Secretary Gehe Uions(作为联合国秘书长),An anization of the 147 member states(一个拥有一百四十七个成员国),Who represent almost all of the human inhabita Earth(代表了几乎所有地球居民的组织)。
I seihe people of our pla(我向你们送去全人类的问候)。
We step out of our solar system into the universe seeking only pead friendship(我们走出太阳系的家门,进入这宇宙,只为寻找和平和友谊),To teach if o if we are fortunate(抑或应邀倾囊相授,抑或有幸聆听教诲)。
ell that our pla and all its inhabita a small part of this immense universe(我们很清楚,我们的星球及上面的所有生灵,只不过是这广阔的宇宙中微小的一部分)。That surrounds us and it is with humility a we take this step(我们谦卑而满怀希望地迈出这一步)。”